Best Interview
Best Gown
Best Fun Fashion
Overall Photogenic
The Empowerment Award
The Empowerment Award
At the Miss Sunshine Charity Pageant we celebrate involvement in your community through service, volunteering, promoting your personal platform and/or charity of choice, and promoting our motto “Spreading Sunshine Through Kindness”.
Our Empowerment Award winner will be awarded a beautiful plaque and a $250.00 cash prize.
Registration fee to enter: $75.00
Submit an essay of 500 words minimum about your volunteer work experience.
Submit a Volunteer Portfolio – should include a list of volunteer activities from the last 2 years, including photos, letters certifying hours, awards (if applicable) and letter of recommendations (via email @ infomisssunshinecharitypageant@gmail.com).
Deadline for Registration:
Friday, August 15, 2025, by the end of business day
The Empowerment Award is judged by a separate panel of judges from the overall competition for the divisional titles and is based on a separate criteria that focuses on community service.